Passing Through The Lemaire Channel
Cruising through the Lemaire Channel was one of the more scenic portions of cruise through Antarctica, especially as we cruised through some sea ice.

Cruising Towards Antarctica
Sunset on Day 2 of my cruise to Antarctica. At 59°57'50" S 66°51'28" W, this photo was taken a bit north of what the Antarctic Treaty System defines as Antarctica. Namely, everything south of 60°S latitude.

In A World Dominated By Ice
After several days at sea, getting acquainted with icebergs and the brisk Antarctic air, we left the safety of our expedition vessel for our second zodiac excursion of the trip. The scenery, was awe-inspiring. Snow covered mountains clouded in mystery. Sea ice in every direction. I found myself in a state of wonder having never seen anything like this before.

Penguin Shake
I captured this Adélie penguin mid-shake while out on a zodiac cruise in the Yalour Islands. The little fella was hanging out alone atop an iceberg.

A Perfect Day In Paradise Bay
This is polar paradise. The water was still and clear, providing beautiful reflections. As one of only two harbors used by cruise ships to stop on the continent, it was a giddy feeling of delight to be on the white continent and be treated to such astounding views.

The Breakthrough
The Lemaire Channel is a popular strait to cruise through on Antarctic tours for its scenic beauty. This iceberg-filled passage though makes for some other interesting views. Leaning over the bow of the ship, the battle of steel vs. ice played out in a constant flow. Another of Man's engineering triumphs over nature.

One Of These Is Not Like The Others
Amidst a colony of aptly named chinstrap penguins, this yellow crested macaroni penguin has decided to make this pile of rocks his home as well.

Reflections In Paradise Harbor
The most beautiful day in Antarctica is how I'll remember this day. The most perfect weather conditions one could ask for - warm, embracing blue skies, and calm, clear, reflective waters. A day like this is one to remember. A perfect validation of why you you traveled to the ends of the Earth without truly knowing what was in store for you.

Deception Island
What's the coolest shape for an island? If you ask me, it would be this circular-shaped island with a small entrance, just like Deception Island. Perfect fit for a secret liar or quiet getaway. In reality, this is considered to be one of the safest harbors in Antarctica.