Daereungwon Tomb Complex

I have a fond, romantic longing for Gyeongju. It was only a day trip from Busan when I visited, but it was just jam packed with beautiful Silla architecture and history. Silla, being one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea during ancient times. I meandered through the city from one historic spot to the next, occasionally taking a bus to get to some further flung spots. Eventually, I met a couple of nice Gyeongju citizens around my age, chatted with them, and ended up eating a late lunch with them, after which we ended up here, outside the Cheonmachong tomb in the Tumuli Park Belt before parting ways.
The area is home to 23 large tumuli (burial mounds) of ancient Silla Kingdom kings and noblemen. It's really peaceful and beautiful as you can hopefully see. Walking around some more, I eventually decided to go spend my sunset at Anapji, which was well worth it. That's in large part why I still reomanticize about Gyeongju. The beauty of the ancient Silla architecture at sunset nearly all to myself, was just amazing. Hopefully I'll eventually make my way back there with an even sexier camera to shoot the sunset with.