The Incredible Paro Taktsang

The setting for this monastery could not be any more dramatic. It's absolutely breathtaking - not just because the air is a bit thinner at altitude, but because it's built on a sheer cliff at 3,120m (10,240ft). The Tiger's Nest, as it's more popularly known, was built back in 1692. Many Buddhist temples and monasteries are located away from the population to enable peaceful meditation. After the challenging hike up, I was more than happy to rest and inhale the intoxicating scent of incense as I settled my thoughts.
I'm by no means an incense expert, but I do miss the scents from the temples and monasteries I visited in Bhutan. I just wish I could get those same scents in some sort of oil diffuser so I don't have to deal with the smoke from the incense. Even just thinking about those scents, takes me back to a peaceful and quiet place unlike any other I had ever been to.
View of one of the most incredible monasteries my eyes have ever seen.