Chemung Mine

This is one of the main structures left at Chemung Mine. It's sort of a secret, as you're not going to find it on TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Yelp or any other mainstream site. There's some pros and cons to that, but before you hop in your car trying to track down the GPS location, you should know this is not exactly the most accessible nor car-friendly place.

On the upside, being relatively unknown has the perk that no one has really gone through the process of safeguarding it from any would-be visitors, like myself. Probably because, it really doesn't get many visitors if I had to guess. The structure looks poised to collapse at any time, but you can enter it and walk around - at your own risk! While I can't say I really explored the structure fully, I couldn't leave without first taking a peak inside.

An abandoned structure at the Chemung Mine.