Stream At The End Of The World

I really enjoy saying things like at the "end of the world" and then going with the Spanish version of "Fin del mundo." Of course, this just leads me to start repeating other Spanish words from the area around Ushuaia, like "Tierra del Fuego." If you go for an accent, it can be so fun to pronounce!
The morning before my cruise to Antarctica I did a half-day tour of the Tierra del Fuego National Park. I guess it shouldn't be too terribly surprising but did end up meeting some people that morning and the night before on tours that would end up being on the same cruise as me. To put things in perspective, this is a cruise that holds 96 passengers, so it's not like thousands of people aboard some Carnival Cruise Line. Anyways, I digress - the TdF National Park is beautiful, as is the entire surrounding area. One of the most beautiful places I've been that struck me with awe time and again.
View from within Tierra del Fuego National Park.