To The Skies

New Selfie Gear
For a long time, I've been wanting to expand this site to include some other travel related content outside of just the photos I take. Today I'm kicking this process off by adding a new 'Gear' section to the site (peak at the top right of the page). This is more of an ongoing process, and I'll be updating the new Selfie Stick guide from time to time, so don't be afraid to check it again in the future.
Today's Photo - To The Skies
Took this photo during the maiden flight of my new 3D Robotics Solo drone. This thing is pretty sweet! I've flown the DJI Phantom 2 a bit, and they're definitely quite different in terms of control and sensitivity. I think there are some options hidden in the Solo app to increase the speed/sensitivity, but I rather like that it's not overly fast at rotating as the video that it would produce would be useless.
I've been wanting to get a drone for a long time, but seeing the Solo feature set was enough of a motivation for me to pre-order one on the day it was announced. Anything bigger than this or a Phantom (I'm looking at you, Inspire) and it gets to be more of a hassle to take with you when you travel. If you need something for a commercial shoot, probably the Inspire 1 or better will be your go-to drone, but I think the footage that will come off the Solo should be excellent once they release the gimbal to keep things nice and stabilized.
This was taken out in Half Moon Bay at the Wavecrest Open Space preserve. A big open area without any obstructions or airports nearby. There's even a small segment of a former road in the middle which is perfect as a launch/landing site. Excellent location for beginners.
View from above Half Moon Bay.