A Sunday Afternoon In Pyongyang

This isn't your ordinary Sunday afternoon. For the Sunday I took this photo, was the 100th birthday celebration of the founder and Eternal President Kim Il-sung of North Korea. Not only is this holiday the most important holiday of the year, but in this case, probably in the country's history.
Referred to as the Day of the Sun (태양절), April 15th is actually observed on the 15th and the two days following it. This gives the people of North Korea an excellent time to go out, visit locations of importance to their leader, and enjoy a bit of leisure time. Driving on the bridge over the Poton River, this scene was both a surprise and a delight.
It's all too easy in the West to forget that, at the end of the day, North Koreans are people too. Their country has its struggles and disagreements with others, but people are people. Whatever the reason, if you have a few days off, it's always nice to go out, smell the roses, or take a small boat ride.
Don't let a chance for happiness pass you by. Go out and enjoy life when you can.