A Germophobe's Nightmare

If you're even mildly OCD or germophobic, traveling to third world countries can be pretty challenging. Sanitation, when present, is usually not great. Hygiene standards are vastly different from what you might be accustomed to. And even when the water is clear, it's probably not clean enough.
One of the memories I have from visiting with the Ovahimba that I couldn't get out of mind if I tried, is when one of the boys (not the one in this picture) was thirsty and had a drink. The brown color of the water he was drinking from a plastic jug, with plenty of particulates floating around - brutal. It's like the kind of water you'd drink if you were in a survival situation and you were running out of options because Bear Grylls was nowhere to be found. I still shudder when thinking about it. The value of water, especially when clean, can't be underestimated. Especially when there are a number of people buying into the belief that next world war won't be over religion or ideology, but water.
Back to the germophobic nightmare. Several of these little children had running noses and Kleenex isn't exactly a thing here. It's easy to see how easily disease would spread even in small villages. These children would have their runny noses, and then want to grab and touch my camera with their fingers. I wanted the children to be able to see their photos on the camera's LCD screen, but at the same time, I wanted to avoid getting a cold or something worse. This was one of those 'sanitize it all' type situations once you leave.
Little tip - always have a travel-size hand sanitizer in your camera bag when traveling. Comes in handy so many times. Especially if you go eat somewhere where there's no soap. You don't want to be touching your gear with dirty hands if you can avoid it.