Skalavik Turf Church

Much like traditional homes, even churches in the Faroes can have turf roofs. This one happens to be in Skálavík, a small village of less than 200 on the eastern coast of Sandoy. The town is home to a couple of famous Faroese authors, although honestly, famous by Faroese stands is unknown by global standards. The church itself was built way back in 1891.
There's not a ton of villages to see on Sandoy. Within a span of about 20 minutes you can drive from the ferry port in Skopun, through Magn, and into Skalavik. Of course, add some time to walk around a bit, but overall, that's like half the island. Add in time to drive to a couple more remote villages if you like, and you have yourself a nice little day trip.

Baron Reznik