Mobile Radio Station of Pol Pot

Mobile Radio Station of Pol Pot

Anlong Veng, near the Thai border, was the last stronghold of the brutal Khmer Rouge leadership. In front of Ta Mok's house lies the deteriorating remains of Pol Pot's Mobile Radio Station. Ta Mok, a senior leader in the Khmer Rouge is better known as "Brother Number Five" or the "Butcher," for his role in masterminding many of the massacres and purges that took place while the Khmer Rouge was in power.

My guide told me that the people here are still sympathetic to the Khmer Rouge, which I frankly found astonishing having visited some of the Killing Fields. Yet, doing some research online, and seeing an interview with the caretaker of this museum, it's clear that despite the atrocities, people here are not as outraged as they should be. I found Ta Mok's house and the surrounding area to be quite peaceful and beautiful. The house faces a man made lake that Ta Mok had made. It's almost more like a summer cabin. Even villains need summer getaways I guess.