North Korean Dance

North Korean Dance

While the roughly 2 million tourists a year that visit Angkor Wat is still small compared to say, tourists visiting Paris, the tourists that do come likely spend some time in Siem Reap. One of the more nondescript restaurants is Pyongyang Restaurant, one of only a handful of restaurants in the world run by North Korea. The restaurants serve as a vital way to bring hard currency into North Korea, and so their prices are a bit high compared to other local choices.

While the restaurant does not appear so large from the outside, hundreds of tourists, primarily from South Korea are bussed in, given a meal and a 30 minute performance while they eat. If you'd like to get a truly unique dining experience, with the opportunity to see and interact with genuine North Koreans, this is a pretty safe choice. Just remember, it's not a human zoo - these are real people.

North Korean waitresses at Pyongyang Restaurant double as dancers for a dinner performance.