Dhammayazika Pagoda

Pwasaw is a small village just east of Bagan. It's hard to tell where Bagan ends and Pwasaw begins, but to me it seems like they're part of the magic that is Bagan. Home to the largest and densest concentration of Buddhist temples, pagodas, and stupas. A place that you really want to take your time to immerse yourself in to explore as many of these temples as you can.
One thing you might not be expecting is that, in Burma, when visiting temples you have to take your shoes off. Think you're sneaky and can wear socks? Think again! No shoes, no socks. Barefoot only. It's a good idea to bring with plenty of antibacterial hand wipes (or wet wipes, baby wipes, whatever) to clean your feet with after visiting the temples. Also, make your life easier and just wear sandals or flip flops to begin with so it's not a whole process to constantly take your shoes and socks off and put them back on in between temples.