Havana Bay

While not exactly towering in height, I'd still call this Havana's skyline. There are some taller buildings in Havana, but they top out at 121m (397ft). The view is from across the bay, just outside Morro Castle. Around sunset, this would make for a great view of Old Havana with the water reflecting the various lights from the city.
Fidel, the man known around the world by just his first name, has now passed away. It's hard to imagine what this city and the island as a whole will turn into now. How long until Old Havana is flush with international investors seeking to build splashy new hotels? How long until some of that money goes to update the dilapidated infrastructure to support the tourist economy?
Sure, today there are plenty of tourists visiting Cuba, but not too many of them are from the US. The Cuba of 10 or 20 years from now may look nothing like the Cuba of the past 50-60 years. I do hope it retains its charm and musical identity, and that those who've been struggling can finally see some of the gains of renewed interest in a modern Cuba.