Mogadishu Fishmonger

Walking through the Fish Market of Mogadishu should be on everyone's list of places to go when in Mogadishu. Not that I expect Mogadishu is on too many peoples' places to visit. Perhaps in a few years, a trickle of tourism will appear, but for now, I would guesstimate that there's less than 20 foreign tourists per year that visit, and for good reason. The security situation, while improving, is not at the level needed to sustain any sort of tourism industry.
The fish market has occasionally appeared in Western media. The waters off the Somali coast are known to be filled with dangerous creatures, and I'm not talking about Pirates! Rather, there are plenty of sharks. You can see sharks being cut up and coming in and out of the market.
The fish market in Mogadishu is actually pretty small. Unlike some of the open-air markets you might come across in Asia that are super crowded and take time to make your way through, this fish market fits in one semi-long room. A typical McDonald's will occupy more space than this fish market. Still, it's a sight to see.