The Sadhus Of Nepal - Part 5

Covered in ash, and devoted to a single deity, Sadhus paint their face to help express their religious devotion. Among the ones I've encountered, this Sadhu is without a doubt, the most colorful of all. On the path to becoming a Sadhu, you must be declared dead and then attend your own funeral as you cut all ties to worldly possessions and society. This is all in the name of putting them on a path toward liberation.
Sadhus across both India and Nepal are known to smoke cannabis regularly. Some have suggested that it is a substance favored by the Lord Shiva, and so the Sadhus believe they are receiving a blessing from Shiva by smoking cannabis. In previous years, Sadhus were even selling weed to attendees of the Hindu festival Shivaratri in Nepal, but the government put the kibosh on that.