University Of Goma

During the days of Mobutu Sese Seko's Zaire, the university was a status symbol in what is now the Eastern Congo. Two wars and numerous rebel conflicts later, the university is no longer what it once was. Windows are cracked or knocked out entirely, the electricity has stopped working years ago, and a functioning toilet is no where in sight.
This, is the University of Goma today. The building was repainted in a deal with a local telecom company that allows them to display advertising on the building. Still, the struggle for improving the facilities continue without much success.
Life in one of the poorest countries in the world is never easy, and even harder to get ahead. The students are quite lucky to even have the opportunity at an education in this part of the world.
I've never been to a city with as many foreign aid workers and security forces as in Goma. While there's much to still be done, it's clear the struggle to raise people out of poverty is going to be a long and arduous one.