Escaping The Polar Vortex

Visiting Chicago in the midst of what is now the 5th snowiest winter ever was a great reminder of why once you move out west, you'll never want to move back to the midwest. Driving around the city trying to find parking and seeing all the lawn furniture out saving spots brought back memories of just a couple years ago when I did that with my own parking chairs. I think you're not a true Chicagoan until you've reached the point where you carry a shovel in your trunk and use cheap plastic furniture to save the parking spot you've dutifully shoveled out for yourself (bonus points if you've ever tried to scrap ice off your windows with a credit card). It's sort of unofficially embraced by the city, although officials will occasionally speak out against it. Once the snow melts to a certain point, the Streets & Sanitation Department will announce that any furniture saving spots on the street will be collected and disposed of.
Yesterday, I tried to head home after extending a business trip. Of course, with a big snowfall, my flight was canceled and I had to scramble to make it on the only flight I could to get back to the bay area. Checking in just minutes before the cutoff time, I somehow managed to find time to snap this on the way to my gate.