The Breakthrough

Antarctica Week!
Going to try to mix it up a bit for a change. Usually I like to post a photo from a different country each day, but for this week, I'll be uploading only photos from my recent trip to Antarctica. It was one of those trips where I feel truly grateful for having the opportunity to indulge in such travels while seeing the world. While it might seem like a cold and inhospitable place, Antarctica is filled with stunning landscapes, endlessly amusing penguins and plenty of other wildlife to captivate your mind and fill your memory card.
Daily Photo - The Breakthrough
The Lemaire Channel is a popular strait to cruise through on Antarctic tours for its scenic beauty. This iceberg-filled passage though makes for some other interesting views. Leaning over the bow of the ship, the battle of steel vs. ice played out in a constant flow. Another of Man's engineering triumphs over nature.
The Russian crew navigated the ship through Antarctic waters avoiding ice for the most part, so getting to see the ship perform was definitely a bit of a treat.
The Akademik Ioffe cruises through sea ice.