The Iceberg Of Curtiss Bay

Curtiss Bay is a small bay off the coast of Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula. The bay was named in 1960 after Glenn Curtiss, an American aviation engineer who was one of the founders of the U.S. aircraft industry. He's credited with having made the first officially witnessed flight in North America and later with the first flight of a seaplane in 1911. Seems like someone worthy of having at least an Antarctic bay named after them.
This was shot on one of the zodiac cruise excursions. While all the excursions start with a zodiac cruise be it extremely short or otherwise, if the conditions or location dictate, occasionally all you can do is go out for a zodiac cruise. This was one of the few zodiac only cruises, which was filled with some beautiful ice bergs like the one here, as well as various seal and bird wildlife sightings.
A large iceberg floats through Curtiss Bay.